2020 is here, where Flutter beta came out just a year back, and it feels like it has been with us for ages. With Flutter app development, one can build a native application for iOS and Android devices from a single codebase. Currently, the mobile framework can multi-platform UI framework with supporting the web, mobile, desktop, and even embedded devices. Additionally, the mission of Flutter is to expand building the best framework for developing a beautiful experience for any size and any screen.
Let’s begin with introducing the Flutter
Flutter was first announced by Google I/O in May 2017 with an alpha toolkit, and version 1.0 hit the future product in 2018 named HummingBird. In 2019, Google announced the availability of Flutter for the Web preview version. Flutter, the Google cross-platform mobile app development, was developed for all developers to give fast development framework to users with an engaging experience. Flutter can render using standard web technologies for CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The flutter code is written in Dart language and can embed in the browser by deploying it on any web server.
How to install Flutter
If you’re looking to develop Flutter for the web, you need flutter 1.5 and above. It helps to enable and support targeting the web, including the art compilation to JavaScript. For using Flutter SDK, use flutter_web preview and make sure you have upgraded Flutter to at least v1.5.4, which runs smoothly with a flutter upgrade from your machine.
$ flutter upgrade
Install webdev package that provides built-in tools for flutter web just like
$ flutter packages pub global activate webdev
Ensure using the directory path such as $HOME/.pub-cache/bin
Later you can use webdev command directly from your terminal. Open above path file with running this below-mentioned command $ touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
File in the TextEdit; make sure you add all components in your path and save it. Your edit will look like:
flutter SDK:
export PATH=$PATH:[Path to your flutter directory]/flutter/bindart SDK:
export PATH=$PATH:[Path to your flutter directory]/flutter/bin/cache/dart-SDK/binwebdev:
mac: export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.pub-cache/bin
Windows: %USERPROFILE%AppDataRoamingPubCachebin
Linux: $HOME/flutter/.pub-cache/bin
flutter packages pub global run webdev [command]
Looking to Develop Customized Flutter App?
Let’s move on to know Flutter better with the Benefits of using Flutter App Development
1. Small UI and Business Logic UI on All platforms
Any cross-platform knows that basically, any cross-platform framework provides the best way to share codebase between target platforms. Moreover, Flutter does not need platform-specific UI components to render UI; the only thing it needs is its canvas to draw on.
2. Reduced Code Development Time
Any mid-size Android app test can take 40 sec on average, and sometimes it takes forever to adjust a small change in the layout. Flutter comes with a hot-reload feature that allows seeing the applied changes almost instantly.
3. Increased Time to market speed
Flutter app requires two times fewer men when compared to the same app developed separately for Android and iOS. The reason behind this is you don’t have to waste time writing platform-specific code to achieve the desired visual in your application.
4. Similar to Native App Development
Having excellent UX application performance is crucial, and applications built with Flutter in most cases will have better in complex UI animation scenarios. It is built directly into machine code, which eliminates any performance bugs in the clarification process.
5. Single Codebase:
Using Flutter, your developers can create a single codebase that covers both the iOS and Android platforms for your two commercial apps. It is independent of platforms because it has its own set of designs and widgets. The ability to discern between the identical program running on two distinct platforms makes this situation more intriguing.
6, Reduced Checks:
There will be fewer checks and testing issues if the same apps are available on two separate platforms. You can speed up the QA procedure. Testing is made simpler for QA professionals because there is only one app to test and evaluate. Without a doubt, if your apps have a distinctive update, the quality checks must be done for both platforms in accordance.
7. Rapid app growth:
When designed using Flutter, your business apps won’t experience any cutting or hanging when scrolling. With its successful implementation, developers have many of options from which to choose. These pre-built widgets aid in the quick development of mobile applications.
8. Minimalistic Design features:
Flutter makes it simple to make new widgets. Another benefit of this technology is the ability to customize and combine these widgets with already existing ones. This assists in presenting the greatest designs while providing user-friendly experiences.
Here’s a quick summary of the reasons for the use of Flutter for the Next Project
- Reduction in number of workflow and tools
- Cost-Effectiveness
- Faster, Near Native App Development
- High-Fidelity Experience
- Great UIs
- Greater Control over Release Cycles
- Single Efforts to build apps for iOS and Android
- Stateful Hot Reload
Pros and cons of the Flutter App Development
1. Pros of Flutter App Development
- Less Code
- Suitable for MVP
- Faster Prototyping
- Developing Android and iOS Apps Parallelly
- Widgets
2. Cons of Flutter App Development
- An application cannot be minor than 4MB
- Only used with Mobile usage and does not support web browsers
- New and Unstable Tool
- Limitation in Libraries
Some of the popular apps build with Flutter Cross-Platform Development
- Flutter- Google Cross-Platform Mobile App Development has helped to create a lot of apps and has helped start-ups to grow globally. Have a look at a few of the most popular mobile development flutter apps.
- Alibaba: One of the popular eCommerce app flutter websites is Alibaba, but still, the company hires Flutter Developers to increase user satisfaction and help to make changes to a mobile app to facilitate global transactions.
- Google Ads: Using Flutter a bunch of application was created by Google, which completely changed the old version of the Google Ads Platform. The new app provides real-time alerts and adds several new features due to the flutter framework.
- Hamilton Musical: This Hamilton Musical is an official mobile development flutter app used to upload daily videos, information, daily news, and more.
- Birch Finance: This flutter android development helps to manage your credit cards and from which you can earn rewards points. The flutter app development is an application that analyzes user rewards points and spending, along with making it understand how it can utilize better.
- Reflectly: The application power by AI, ensure that it helps users to decide on everyday task by asking them about what they can do each day. The app does not have an insight dashboard that provides detailed statics about user’s personal life.
- Rich Widgets: Flutter supports rich widgets, which require intelligent applications to produce the best results. Owners of mobile apps can employ a variety of widgets to meet the needs of their customers and their business models. This technique so creates cross-platform programs with stylistic and structural components.
- Google Firebase Support: Hire Flutter developers who are supported by Google’s Firebase if backend support is what you’re looking for. Your company will be able to quickly develop highly scalable cross-platform applications if you can get this technology to function.
- Large Number of Open-source Packages: One of Flutter’s primary features is that it comes with a large number of open-source packages that help quicker app development. The following packages are among them: Flutter Ecommerce, Youtube player, and Frideos flutter. Aside from that, because it is an extensive open-source platform, programmers from all over the world always keep adding their works to the library.
- Top Resources for Learning: For non-programmers, specialists, and people who are new to Flutter’s declarative UI, the official Flutter website offers a wealth of materials. Flutter app development is accessible to every business owner and developer because to the high-quality, comprehensive documentation maintained by a huge community.
- Offers a Vast Developer Experience: The cutting-edge IDE support provided by Visual Studio Code and the Android/IntelliJ Studio plugins is the foundation for the Flutter development tools. Additionally, rather than forcing developers to be experts in Swift, JavaScript, or any other programming language, this platform merely requires them to obtain a solid understanding of Dart.
- Simple Handling: The Dart programming language follows just-in-time and ahead-of-time compilation modes, which is another feature of Flutter. This makes it possible to perform a hot reload while developing. Additionally, it is statically typed, which enables developers of mobile apps to unwind and focus on their task.
The mystery behind Flutter’s success in developing cross-between platforms
Flutter app development services help users to build a two-dimensional mobile app. Users can develop full-featured apps that support cameras, networks, Geo-location, and more. If you’re looking to launch an impressive design, then you require a cross-platform framework like Flutter. Flutter, a reputed app developing service, helps to offer streamlined development processes according to the requirements.
How to hire Flutter App Developers?
After studying Flutter and its basic features & functionality, it’s pretty much clear that hiring flutter developers can help in developing an eCommerce app flutter, taxi app flutter development, and growing a business with ease. We are one of the best Flutter cross-platform development company offers genuine developers on all platforms.
Ending Thoughts
If you’re looking to develop a mobile app for your company, Flutter is a great option to develop apps using cross-platform, high-performance apps, and easy-to-create apps using Flutter. Flutter comes with easy to build an application with carefully hire Flutter developers. Moreover, Flutter will bring great opportunities for all smaller to larger organizations with having visibility for both iOS and Android devices without hurting their pockets much.