About App

  • Find your favorite DJ using LIVE DJ Concerts App Development.
  • Pay your DJ for your Private Parties.
  • Access to your Favorite DJ's Live Events for free.
  • Get access to the Featured Events held by your Favorite DJ.
  • Get Access for FREE to your DJ's tracks.
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LIVE DJ Concerts App DevelopmentLIVE DJ Concerts App Development
Connect with dj

Connect with dj

  • This App helps all the leading and upcoming DJs to follow their passion other than their profession. LIVE DJ Concerts Application platform leads to peruse their interest in music and also generate revenue.
  • In current situation, the best way to party is Virtually and thus this app helps all the DJ's to party hard using LIVE DJ Concerts Web Portal. The most feasible way to embrace your passion with business is what this App and Web Portal provides.

Home Screen

This screen provides the Top Chart information of the entire Application that is

  • Top DJ
  • Most Played Tracks
  • Most Famous DJ

Upcoming EVENT Screen

  • There are basically 4 types of events and this screen helps to provide access to all the types. The layperson will be able to have easy access to all the events from this screen.
  • Events such as Featured, Scheduled & Booked Events can be accessed from this screen as the date, time & joining is possible from this screen.
Home ScreenUpcoming EVENT Screen
Feature Screen

Feature Screen

Portal has 3 major features which are beneficial for DJs:

  • New upcoming DJs get huge amount of Mass which can hear them as they are new to the market
  • They have an opportunity to get booked for special events for small parties which help them connect to users personally
  • LIVE DJ Concerts Web Portal helps DJ to generate extra revenue by organizing Featured events for them, without any Marketing cost

Live Screen

  • This screen is used by the users to connect to the live on going event by any DJ
  • User have pleasure to listen to their favorite DJ and access to their party time from this Screen

subscription Screen

  • Listeners can opt for different subscriptions based on the services the application provides. This will help the user to listen and follow to their favorite DJ
  • Users will also be able to invite them to their private events and entertain the event members with beautiful ambiance
Live Screensubscription Screen
How Its Work Screen

How Its Work Screen

  • Through LIVE DJ Concerts Web Portal DJ is connected to the listeners effortlessly. The DJ has to just join the LIVE DJ Concerts Portal and upload their Gigs, Mixes or prerecorded famous Mixes
  • The DJs have to join LIVE DJ Concerts Portal for free and provide services like events, mixes and sample gigs for the listeners

All App Screens

Get Ready for the new world of Sound and Connectivity with DJs to explore new culture and genres of their expertise. Witness your DJ playing live events specially for you and enjoy every bit with your favorite tracks.

LIVE DJ Concerts Application provides you all your Favorite icons with just few clicks where you get an opportunity to meet the DJ you adore the most...!!

LIVE DJ Concerts App DevelopmentLIVE DJ Concerts App DevelopmentLIVE DJ Concerts App DevelopmentLIVE DJ Concerts App DevelopmentLIVE DJ Concerts App DevelopmentLIVE DJ Concerts App DevelopmentLIVE DJ Concerts App DevelopmentLIVE DJ Concerts App DevelopmentLIVE DJ Concerts App DevelopmentLIVE DJ Concerts App DevelopmentLIVE DJ Concerts App DevelopmentLIVE DJ Concerts App Development
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Why Our Client Love Us?

Our integrity and process focuses largely on providing every customer the best recommendations for their respective business. Our clients become recurring customers because we always go beyond their expectations to deliver the best solutions.

We Deliver
We brainstorm a lot!
We brainstorm a lot!

Because brainstorming leads to new thoughts & ideas. We believe in discussing & bridging the gap leading to nicer suggestions & application.

Believe in Innovation!
Believe in Innovation!

Innovation is like Jugaad. It only comes when you give it a try. We believe that extraordinary things come with innovation which help you stand & lead in the crowd.

Creative Developers!
Creative Developers!

Our developers are always keen to develop creative ideas. There is “NEVER a NO.” They have an eye on the market facts, thus develop in the latest on going environment.

Value for Money!
Value for Money!

We understand the value of money & thus with a modular approach serve you the best quote for your application & web services. The features we promise, we deliver. #notohiddencosts

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    Broomfield CO-80023

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    Ilford, IG6 1DZ, UK

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    3269, Prince Mamdouh bin Abdulaziz Street, 7273, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 12241

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    8019 Bodø

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    303-309, City Center,
    Science City Road,
    Ahmedabad - 380060

  • Australia Australia

    14/83 Windsor Grove,
    Klemzig, Adelaide SA
