
This Powerapps solution was designed and developed to cater the issue the client was facing with the manual approach to handle the inspection of the aeronautical parts. It includes the entire lifecycle of the parts replacement starting from the problem description to procurement and to check how can it be avoided.

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Unique design


Multi step approach


Email and in app notifications


More than 100 operations

Initial form

Initial form

  • This form is required to create the ticket for any issue the employee would like the issue to be created for
  • Each Work order number must be unique and be pulled in from the db once entered
  • Most of the fields are being pulled in from the MSSQL that is already in shape
  • The validations are in place for the user to avoid missing out on any entry

Nonconfirmity form listing

  • The admin and the employee will be able to see the listing of all the forms they have filled up
  • This screen gives the ability to the employee to edit each form and delete them as well
  • Filters for date range are developed in order for the employee to check the forms for a particular tenure
  • Search bar is given to look up for a particular list/s of record's
Nonconfirmity form listing
Add Material Disposition

Add Material Disposition

  • Multiple fields to add the information regarding the materials disposition along with validations on each field
  • The information added is directly connected with one nonconfirmity form with one log number but multiple records
  • The user can upload files of any type and can preview it with the gallery designed beside it
  • Once saved the issue will be created and the user can proceed further to the next step

Issue listing

  • The employee gets the ability to create multiple issues based on a single or multiple parts
  • There is a dropdown arrow in the header for the employee to check the initial form
  • One or multiple issues can be deleted at once and the issues once created can be easily edited
  • There are 2 additional tabs just besides the finance disposition which are only enabled based on certain conditions
Issue listing


Aeronautical Parts Quality Inspection ToolAeronautical Parts Quality Inspection ToolAeronautical Parts Quality Inspection ToolAeronautical Parts Quality Inspection ToolAeronautical Parts Quality Inspection ToolAeronautical Parts Quality Inspection ToolAeronautical Parts Quality Inspection ToolAeronautical Parts Quality Inspection ToolAeronautical Parts Quality Inspection Tool
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Why Our Client Love Us?

Our integrity and process focuses largely on providing every customer the best recommendations for their respective business. Our clients become recurring customers because we always go beyond their expectations to deliver the best solutions.

We Deliver
We brainstorm a lot!
We brainstorm a lot!

Because brainstorming leads to new thoughts & ideas. We believe in discussing & bridging the gap leading to nicer suggestions & application.

Believe in Innovation!
Believe in Innovation!

Innovation is like Jugaad. It only comes when you give it a try. We believe that extraordinary things come with innovation which help you stand & lead in the crowd.

Creative Developers!
Creative Developers!

Our developers are always keen to develop creative ideas. There is “NEVER a NO.” They have an eye on the market facts, thus develop in the latest on going environment.

Value for Money!
Value for Money!

We understand the value of money & thus with a modular approach serve you the best quote for your application & web services. The features we promise, we deliver. #notohiddencosts

Area We Serve
  • Usa USA

    2355 Prospect LN,
    Broomfield CO-80023

  • UK UK

    6 Hastings Avenue,
    Ilford, IG6 1DZ, UK

  • Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

    3269, Prince Mamdouh bin Abdulaziz Street, 7273, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 12241

  • NorwayNorway

    Lille Hunstad 4A,
    8019 Bodø

  • India India

    303-309, City Center,
    Science City Road,
    Ahmedabad - 380060

  • Australia Australia

    14/83 Windsor Grove,
    Klemzig, Adelaide SA
